Evidence by Robert Stevens
May 11, 2020
We started following Robert Stevens’ work on Instagram, and quickly became a fan of his daily posts – photographs made largely with a cell phone. When we received a call from Robert about printing his next monograph, we were thrilled! The process was gratifying, as expected, and while in the midst of production, we asked Robert to talk a little about his process in creating his images.
“They are inspired in part by years of going to all sorts of museums. Often a landscape looks like it might have been made for an art museum – but it wasn’t. The scene just happens to be a coincidence of life and form making art. I am also interested in our mostly urban landscapes – how people design, build, paint their structures and what they do to tame nature. In the landscapes I walk through, I see colors and shapes that appear as art, as well as wonder over how and why something was built the way it was. I love walking, strolling like Flaneur, which is a French word for just that – strolling without having a destination…just enjoying the walk and what I might see, making photographs along the way.”
Evidence was printed digitally with an HP Indigo 12000 on McCoy matte text and cover. The cover received a scuff resistant, lay-flat matte film lamination after printing. The binding features section sewing on the text with a PUR glued cover.
To find a copy of Evidence, you can contact Robert at rbstphoto@gmail.com
Follow Robert “Le Flaneur” Stevens at:
website: http://robertflaneur.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flaneurphoto/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rbstphoto

Photo credit: Lee Romeo